Gardening together at the Irchel Campus

In our community garden we dig around in the soil, plant our favourite vegetables, and realize sustainable projects.

Urban Gardening

In the Strebergärtli we plant our own vegetables, herbs, and fruits. We invite everyone to help shape our green oasis in the otherwise gray Irchel Campus.


In addition to our regular gardening days, we also organize events where we learn more about gardening, make new contacts, and prepare our harvests together.


The diversity of plant and animal species lies close to our hearts. Therefore we use local plants to create diverse structures for small mammals, amphibians, and insects.

Upcoming Events

Take part in our events and help make the Irchel Campus greener!

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Would you like to grow your own potatoes, carrots, and tomatoes, but you don't have a garden? Would you like to exchange ideas with like-minded people and get involved in biodiversity?

Then you can find out more about how to become a Strebergärtner*in here.


Dekanat MNF
Impulsfabrik VSUZH
Logo Andermatt Biogarten
Andermatt Biogarten